
This is me:

Liz Cooking

Only I have shorter hair now. Besides that, it’s pretty accurate.

At present, I’m 23 and living on the east end of Long Island with this fellow:

Liz and Dan

And this fellow:


Needles&Bread is a new beginning for me. It is a way for me to focus on my writing, my knitting, and my cooking more. To learn to become a better photographer. To learn to focus my energy on my creative passions rather than allowing myself to be a couch potato because it’s easier for me and doesn’t involve potential defeat.

That’s a pretty big deal for me. I have a really comfy couch.

I’ve been cooking since my mother allowed me to operate the stove by myself. I used to get home from school and whip up snacks for myself. In college, my friend Nick and I would get together with a variety of ingredients and cook big dinners, drink good beer, and generally ignore classwork. (I have a degree in Political Science that I am still generally ignoring in favor of marketing – my day job.)

I’ve been knitting – with gusto – for the past year or so. I’m not up to creating my own patterns, but in keeping up a conversation about it, I hope that I will be inspired to keep pushing myself to get better and learn how to innovate on the needles. A goal for the future is to learn how to spin, then learn all about natural dying, and finally, have sheep and/or alpacas of my own to take care of and make yarn from.

You know, next to my massive vegetable garden.

I’ll keep updating this page as life develops and as goals change.

I’m keeping the focus of the blog broad at the moment because I just want to encourage myself to write and share and not feel pressured into a specific form or niche just yet. And maybe having a wider focus is my niche – it’s certainly who I am.

I’m here because my life needs a creative space that I can own at the moment.

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